In Chicago Magazine’s recent article “Top Docs For Moms and Kids”, Women’s Health Consultants’ Dr. Howard T. Strassner, Jr., and Dr. Ramkrishna G. Mehendale were recognized by their peers as two of the best maternal health and pediatric specialists in Chicagoland’s six-county area. Dr. Strassner was recognized for specializations in high-risk pregnancy, obstetric ultrasound, preconception counseling and prenatal medicine, while Dr. Mehendale was recognized for obstetrics and high-risk pregnancy. More than 400 maternal health and pediatric specialist within Chicago’s six-county area were recognized in the article.
The article is based on a nationwide study conducted by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a leading health care research and information company that helps guide consumers to top doctors and hospitals. Castle Connolly’s selection process involves surveying hundreds of thousands of physicians, as well as academic medical centers, specialty hospitals, and regional and community hospitals across the nation. Online nominating is open to all licensed physicians. Educational and professional experience is screened before final selection is made among those physicians most highly regarded by their peers. After identifying the top doctors in America, Castle Connolly provides consumers with detailed information about their education, training, and expertise in its paperback guides and online directories.
Congratulations to Drs. Strassner and Mehendale.